Visa Rejection Appeal Process In London
A decision of the Home Office to refuse an application can be challenged by way of appeal to the First Tier Tribunal only in a limited number of cases. Following the implementation of the Immigration Act 2014, the UK Immigration appeal system has undergone a radical transformation in recent years. Full appeal rights have been substituted with Administrative Review for applications under the points-based system as well as for those under other immigration categories. Full appeal rights ended for applications made under Tier 4 on 20 October 2014, for applications under Tiers 1, 2 and 5 on 2nd March 2015 and for the rest of the immigration categories on 6 April 2015.
What remains are appeal rights where the decision relates to:
- Refusal of human rights or protection claim (asylum claim and humanitarian protection),
- Revocation of protection claim,
- Refusal to issue document or decision to deport under the European Economic Area Regulation,
- Withdrawal of British citizenship.
There must be proper grounds for making an appeal and there are strict time limits within which to do so.
The appeal is heard by an Immigration Judge who is independent of the Home Office. The Judge makes a decision upon hearing both sides.
Our fixed fees for family member immigration appeal range from £2500 to £5000 plus VAT and disbursements. Disbursements typically include Court fee, translations, courier and postage etc.
Contact Immigration Appeal Lawyers
At Karir we provide specialist immigration services to individuals who are seeking to challenge the refusal of their application. If you would like us to assist you, contact us on
42 Upper Berkeley Street
Authorised and Regulated
by the Solicitors Regulation Authority
SRA Number: 627176