Judicial Reviews

It is a process by which lawfulness of a decision or action of the public body can be challenged in the Upper Tier Tribunal in immigration cases, and in High Court in British citizenship and unlawful detention cases. You can only resort to this process if there is no appeal right available.

It is a challenge to the way in which a decision has been made, rather than the rights and wrongs of the decision itself. The Court cannot substitute what it thinks is the correct decision. If you are unhappy about a decision and want to argue that a decision was incorrect, then judicial review may not be best for you.

Judicial review can be complex and costly.

Our Service
At Karir we provide specialist immigration services to individuals who are seeking to challenge the lawfulness of a decision of the public body. If you would like us to assist you, please contact us onย enquiries@theimmigrationlawyer.uk.


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